
Playa Bitcoin Dinner #49 | Fireside Chat with Panel

Here you can find the audio from our events.

Fireside Open Chat

Topics will be discussed by our curated panel. We don’t believe in “expert” panelist, but instead “experienced” panelist, people who have some battle wounds and happy to share their thoughts.

Your questions are encouraged & our panel of enthusiasts will do their bit to unpack, poke & discuss them in more detail

Topics not fixed, just a starting point:

  1. Terra/Luna/UST – Hug, therapy and growth time
  2. Crypto winter, how best to stabilize
  3. Never let a good crisis go to waste – what can we DO!
  4. Portfolio balancing, how NOT to over-leverage yourself, safe practices

Playa Bitcoin Dinner #47 | Fireside Chat with Panel

Here you can find the audio from our events.

Fireside Open Chat

Topics not fixed, just a starting point:
1. Legalising Bitcoin (CAR just made it legal, Panama final draft legislation)
2. UST/Luna, Ponzi or Genius?
3. Tron’s new stable coin. Replace USDT? Is there room for all these stables?
4. BlackRock backs all USDC + maybe DeFi! ?
6. Bitcoin conference GREAT or a sea of trojan horses?
7. Can you play crypto games & make enough to live in Mexico?


Playa Bitcoin Dinner #42 | Share Your Passive Income Strategies

Here you can find the audio from our events.

This topic splits people, we’ve got

  • Purist, keep their coins locked, 0% month
  • Defi degens, 2% month
  • Node Nerds, 10-100% month
  • Trading bots of all shapes, sizes and risk, 5-15% month

…And yield farming, well, there aren’t enough zero’s on my keyboard
(I think 875k% is the most I’ve seen!) ?

Regardless of where you sit with it
People live off “passive” income
Yes its passiveness & risk flux
But none the less it is a real thing
And we thought it about time we gave it space to be discussed

Bring your platform of choice
Share your voice
But keep your poise


Playa Bitcoin Dinner #40 | Travel using Crypto with Shane from

Here you can find the audio from our events.

What if we could do it with Crypto and never touching Fiat?

Wednesday’s Dinner will be with Shane Sibley from, the world’s leading blockchain-based travel booking platform, over 2 million properties, 230 countries and thousands of customers using their crypto directly to live and travel.

We will discuss the disruption and innovation that is already happening in the travel and tourism space, why it was needed, where its going and the bigger impacts this is having on the industry.


Playa Bitcoin Dinner #37 | Bitcoin vs Everything

Here you can find the audio from our events.


It’s been long enough. We are finally back. A lot of discussion in the group the last few weeks about “X” is better than “Y”. We framed it as Bitcoin vs Everything. Not exact but you get the point 🙂

Let’s bring those discussion out in the open for a fun night out at our Wednesday Dinner series for a live interactive discussion


Playa Bitcoin Dinner #33 | Crypto Culture

Here you can find the audio from our events.

On this night we have a special guest, Aaron Koenig. Legend in this space. Google him! If it wasn’t for him, we would not have started these events.

His new book contains many artworks that reflect and show CryptoCulture – all those memes and slang words that you only understand if you have been around in the crypto community for a while.

Through these artworks you will learn what expressions like HODL, Honey Badger, When Lambo? or To the Moon mean and how they came into being.

His book is especially useful for people who are new into the crypto space and want to know more about it. Explains everything you need to know about Crypto Art and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), and the basics of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.


Playa Bitcoin Dinner #29 | Crypto Taxes

Here you can find the audio from our events.

Regardless of your views on tax, better to be aware and not need it than need it and not be aware.

We have two person panel this week (for the whole event), both experts in their own rights. Bobby Casey an international expert around tax and citizenship for nomads. We also added a supporting panel member for any relevant residency questions that may come up, residency expert, Milly Arceo.

Q & A
Our events focus on social education, the content comes from YOU, so although this is not specific tax advise, bring your best thinking and let’s explore the best solutions for efficient tax planning for the global crypto community


Playa Bitcoin Dinner #27 | Living on Crypto

Here you can find the audio from our events.

We’ve pulled together a panel of various people who’s life are inextricably linked into crypto so you can learn how you can fully exist inside this new world if you want to, from earning, to paying bills, splashing it out to live around the world.

Didi Taihuttu
From “The Bitcoin Family”, sold everything into BTC and has been traveling the world with his family of 5 sharing his experience.

Javier Serrudo
Local BTC lightning developer and entrepreneur Javier

Rigel “Nacho” Walshe
A man who’s been earning and living primarily inside BTC for years, full of BTC tricks.